12 Necessities That Create Voids In Our Soul

12 necessities that create voids in our soul

Every day we feel needs that cause us anxiety, discomfort and that make us childish. We feel empty in our soul when we fail to be important, when they do not give us reason or when we feel victims of what happens in our life.

Today we will analyze all our needs, which, according to the psychologist and writer Bernabé Tierno, are the cause of the voids in our soul and which, if we do not control them adequately, can create stress and anxiety.

“When you get rid of everything you have, you actually begin to possess all the treasures of the world.”

(Mahatma Gandhi)

The need to be important at any cost

The need to be important arises as a result of a lack of self-esteem. An irrepressible desire is born to be important to compensate for the emptiness of the soul, when, in reality, what we need is to love ourselves enough.

Those who feel this need try to please everyone and do not hesitate to lie to succeed. They make up their lives to be adored by all and to live their moments of glory. However, a moderate desire to be considered and appreciated is normal and healthy; the problem arises when this will becomes unstoppable.

The need to always be right

It is the desire for everyone to always agree with what we say or think. People who have this need argue violently when someone does not agree with them, as they feel naked and vulnerable if they are contradicted.

The need to love and be loved

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Undoubtedly, the need for love is the force of life, it is a spontaneous and pure feeling that arises without us realizing it . The emotional part of love makes it possible for this to arise or disappear without us noticing.

If someone forbids or demands to be loved it is inconsistent, because love cannot be controlled, it just blossoms. A person who needs to love and be loved is, in general, a person who does not love himself.

The need to discharge anger

Anger and indignation are human in certain situations. We have all been angry in our life or we have been outraged by some injustice. Nonetheless, anger is not justified when it serves as a cover for our mistakes; in this case, anger or indignation does not have a noble purpose, but only to feed the ego.

The need to worry about everything

There are very negative people, who see everything black, who only notice misfortunes and who never say anything positive. These are people who infect us with their concern and who, moreover, claim that we never worry enough. It is not possible to reason with such individuals, because it is like talking to a wall, and we will end up being infected by their negativity.

The need to blame others

Sometimes, when children make a mistake, they try to pin the blame on some other friend; however, this behavior should be avoided, extolling the courage and honor to tell the truth despite the consequences. It is necessary to learn that, even if one has not acted correctly, it is noble to acknowledge the mistake and repent.

The need to feel superior to others

Love towards ourselves is healthy and normal, it must mature with age and be accompanied by empathy and concern for others. However, when this love is immeasurable, we turn into selfish and proud beings who seek nothing but personal satisfaction.

The need to play victims and seek compassion

The real victims are outraged by a concrete abuser, who has a name and a surname; they never want to feel the center of attention, on the contrary: they feel shame and fear for the situation. However,  there are people who have not suffered any mistreatment and who play the part of the victims to be the center of attention.

The wise man does not sit down to complain about his mistakes, but cheerfully begins to remedy them”

(William Shakespeare)

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The need for others to take responsibility

There are active, responsible people who work and achieve goals; and then there are passive people, who are not competent or who do not answer, they are never there for anyone and do not want to take any responsibility. This is due to the fear of the latter to show themselves as they really are, because in reality they feel inferior. The solution is to act, to do what you fear.

The need to find faults

Paradoxically, people who constantly look for flaws in others and who do not fail to point them out do not tolerate even a criticism. Critics are unable to accept their own faults and, for this reason, they devote themselves to judging others instead of themselves.

The need to own objects

The need to have many things, to buy objects that we do not need, arises from our desire to fill all the voids of the soul. Paradoxically, the more we want to accumulate things, the greater the emptiness inside us. In this case, we must be aware of our mistake and seek wealth in our intellect, in our spirit and in our feelings.

“Unbridled spirits aspire in vain to reach the highest perfection.”

(Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

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The need for everything to be wonderful and perfect

Arguably, this need is the most dangerous of all, as it generates anxiety, stress and low self-esteem. A perfectionist tirelessly seeks success and nothing is enough for him; dissatisfaction unnerves and stresses him. To avoid this behavior, we need to be aware of who we are and appreciate our flaws and virtues.

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